Vigilante Tooth Fairy author B.B. Taylor on Her Inspirations and Belief in the Tooth Fairy

The Vigilante Tooth Fairy author B.B. Taylor signs books at Waterstones

It’s important to stand out in the world of children’s books, and B.B. Taylor does just that. A self-proclaimed professional daydreamer, it’s not just BB’s shock of colourful hair that keeps her apart from the crowd. The author’s positive attitude, creative spark, and driven nature were evident from the moment she first approached us. Her book, The Vigilante Tooth-Fairy is a junior fiction story that captures the author’s passionate energy and channels it into a fun and fantastical adventure that kids will love.

We’re so excited to be on this journey with B.B. and we’re hoping that many of you will join us. Therefore, we thought it was best to give you a little introduction to B.B. Taylor, discover her inspirations, and understand why we’re so excited to be working with this awesome author.

Everyone, let us introduce to you B.B. Taylor, and let BB introduce you to The Vigilante Tooth Fairy!

“I love fairy tales but I feel sometimes they are written to pre-made rules. I wanted to change that…”

To kick things off. Can you tell us something interesting about yourself (apart from that you’re a brilliant author who has written an amazing book!)

I’m a blue belt in kickboxing and I used to play the saxophone and steel drums.

Oh, wow! We never would have guessed. How about being an author then, what was the moment that made you want to write?

I’ve always loved writing and escaping into words, but I never actually thought about becoming an author until one day I realised I was an author.

That’s really funny. Can you tell us a little bit about The Vigilante Tooth Fairy? How long did it take to write?

It started off with a paragraph nothing more. And for about 2 years it sat there untouched then, one day, it clicked and I pretty much wrote the first draft in one go. I knew Mouse needed to show the world what she was made of!

We absolutely adore Mouse’s spirit. Was there anything in particular that inspired the new book?

I love fairy tales but I feel sometimes they are written to pre-made rules. I wanted to change that: I wanted a hero that did the wrong thing even if it was for the right reasons.

That rebellious streak runs right through the book too! How did you come up with the characters? Are any of them based on you or people you know?

I have a little sister (who’s much taller than me) and she’s called Faith. She’s awesome! But usually, my characters aren’t anyone I know, that’s why it’s so fun writing the story to get to know them.

We love the little nod to your sister. Is there anyone who gets to hear all your ideas before anyone else?

My friend Bob [owner of Write Blend Books in Liverpool] puts up with me ringing him at random times to ramble about new ideas and characters in my head.

Bob’s certainly got an eye for a good book! How about getting published? Have you got any advice / top tips for authors looking for someone to help them bring their book to life?

Don’t give up! Also, don’t rush. Let your story be the best it can be before you submit it. Join a critique group, and share it with people you trust, but make sure it is the best you can offer. And don’t sell yourself short.

If it’s children’s books you’re writing look at joining the SCBWI they are amazing for support.

Finally, we have to ask, do you believe in the Tooth Fairy?

Yes, of course! She’s paying me in sugar-free treats to write this and raise awareness of the plight of tooth fairies everywhere! 

Thank you to B.B. Taylor for answering our questions and giving us a little more insight into The Vigilante Tooth Fairy. The Vigilante Tooth Fairy is out now! Order online from or from your local bookshop.

Also available from Amazon and Waterstones.

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