My Mum's a Bug-Eyed Monster

by Andy Rigden and Jim Landen

ISBN: 9781910265703

Every child is worried that their mum might embarrass them in front of their friends, but only I have to worry that she’ll scare them. My Mum’s a Bug-Eyed Monster is a bright, funny, warm-hearted book about being and feeling different.

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“Some mums are small and dainty. Some mums are tall and elegant. My Mum stomps around the house like a baby elephant!” 

Mums come in all shapes and sizes, but there’s never been a mum quite like this. With googly eyes and arms like a gorilla’s, she can pull up tiny trees and terrify teachers in the playground. So when she heads into school for sports day, she unleashes an afternoon of monster mayhem.

My Mum’s A Bug-Eyed Monster is the debut picture book by writer and illustrator team, Andy Rigden and Jim Landen. It’s about feeling different, unstoppable mums and welly boots.

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