‘Stories from Norway’ is rereleased after almost 50 years, and ‘Erin the Reluctant Witch…’ is a brand new novel from Anglo-Norwegian author Philip Newth.
‘Stories from Norway’ and ‘Erin the Reluctant Witch Versus the Mind Melting Monster from Outer Space’ are two books written almost half a century apart. Written by esteemed Anglo-Norwegian author Philip Newth, both books are published today and available from all good bookshops.
‘Stories from Norway’ is a classic collection of Norwegian folk tales that the Tiny Tree team is proud to make available to readers for the first time in almost 50 years, whereas ‘Erin the Reluctant Witch…’ is a brand new junior fiction novel filled with magic, adventure, and aliens.
“It’s a privilege to be able to work with an author as cherished as Philip Newth. To be able to publish these timeless stories for them to be shared with a new generation is a pleasure,” says James Shaw, publisher at Tiny Tree.
The whole team at Tiny Tree is also incredibly proud to be publishing a brand new Philip Newth novel. ‘Erin the Reluctant Witch versus the Mind Melting Monster from Outer Space’ is a junior fiction novel that is as epic as its title suggests. Erin comes from a family of witches, but she really doesn’t want to be a witch. However, when a strange monster arrives in town, Erin must rely on her powers to save the day.
“The gift of storytelling has never left Philip, I can tell you that. The world and characters he’s created in this new book are wonderful and we can’t wait for readers to get their hands on it,” adds James.
The opportunity to publish Philip’s work came when Tiny Tree was acquired by Andrews UK in April 2023 and the team couldn’t be happier. Not only to work with an author as cherished as Philip but also to collaborate as part of our wider team.“I hope we get to do more work like this in the future,” says James.
‘Stories from Norway’ and ‘Erin the Reluctant Witch Versus the Mind Melting Monster From Outer Space’ are both available now.